Want to get started with real estate investing but don't know how?

Don't want to risk your money or credit but still make huge profits?

Dear Friend,

How would you like to get started with real estate investing without risking your money or credit?

Would you like to:

✔ cash huge checks in a few weeks instead of waiting years for the market to go up?

✔ enjoy huge profits without ever personally visiting the property or dealing with contractors?

✔ tell the difference between a great deal and a dead deal in a matter of seconds?

✔ attract a flood of motivated sellers and buyers at will?

✔ finally take your partner on that dream vacation and feel great that you can pay for it?

✔ buy that that Italian race car you’ve always wanted?

✔ afford that dream wedding?

✔ make the down payment on that dream home?

✔ pay off student debt?

✔ raise money quickly to buy an investment that generates passive income?

What I am about to share with you will get you all those benefits, and many more.

My name is Suhail Tayeb and I am an active real estate investor. 

I have personally been investing in residential real estate for over 2 decades in local and international markets.

My life revolves around negotiating with motivated sellers and buyers and getting transactions done quickly. Real world business problems. So, know that everything I am about to share with you here is reality based, not theory based.

Using Your Money Or Credit To Start Investing In Real Estate Is A Bad Idea  

"Conventional" investors soon conclude that this real estate investing thing is a pipe dream and go back to whatever it was they were doing before. They give up quickly on their goals of making any money in real estate investing.

Just like you, when I first started out, the only way I knew of making a profit through real estate was to buy a property, hold on for years and pray that the property went up in value so I could sell it and make a profit.

While I benefited from this strategy, there was too much hope was involved in the process, too much money, too much risk and you guessed it, too much waiting.

Then the crash of 2007 happened.  I realized that “hoping” that the market would keep going up was a recipe for disaster.

That odd time in the market shifted my interest into personal development and wealth creation.

I remember getting into “The Secret”, different Tony Robbins products, and a lot of other courses from other self-help gurus and speakers.

They said the key to wealth and abundance was persistence, determination, desire, goal setting.

Sure, they were ALL useful but the discovery and direction that changed my life wasn’t any of those things.

While studying wealth creation, I began researching some of the biggest players in real estate. I studied how they got started and how they were doing business today…

…and I found one strategy that was consistently being used. That one strategy has allowed me to turn my investing life around and generate massive amounts of cash quickly.

The strategy is Wholesaling.

This is the exact same strategy that President Donald Trump used when he first started out investing in Manhattan real estate.

In April 1978, he was paid $833,000 for Wholesaling the West 34th Street yards to New York City to build the Jacob K. Javits convention center. He did this while investing NO money or credit in the deal.

Wholesaling allowed him to cash out of an extremely profitable deal without ever owning the property or doing ANY development work on it. He put together a property package for potential buyers, sent it out and the rest is history.

The same principals still apply today.

One of the myths about wholesaling real estate is that it only works where the property is distressed or needs a lot of work or where people are clueless.

The reality is, some of the biggest names in finance use wholesaling on all kinds of property to make massive profits, even today.

What you may know is that the largest real estate transaction in history was when Stephen Schwarzman’s company, Blackstone, acquired Sam Zell’s real estate portfolio.

But what may surprise you is that they immediately wholesaled a large portion of it to Harry Macklowe, a New York real estate investor. Blackstone never took ownership of those properties. They simply wholesaled them to a new buyer, for a huge fee.

Now you know that even “the big guys” are not using money or credit to get huge pay days.

If the major real estate players are doing this, shouldn’t you be taking notes?

With Clear Directions And A Proven System, Anybody Can Do This!

 I have “regular” talents and skills, yet I am also one of the highest paid wholesalers in the nation.

Just this year alone, investors will pay me close to seven figures in wholesale assignment fees.

The breath, depth, and diversity of my knowledge of real estate wholesaling is simply not matched.

Online gurus insist that you should risk your capital and credit. Buy a property, renovate it, rent it out, refinance and repeat they say.

Not only is that dangerous investing advice, it also extremely foolish if the market conditions change.

The question is: Are you going to keep taking it lying down and keep listening to those “Keyboard Commandos” who probably have never Wholesaled a deal in their life?

Most will.

But I’m at least going to invite you to do something different.

I am hosting a LIVE 9 session Masterclass where I will be teaching you how to Wholesale, step by step.

It is called THE ULTIMATE FAST CASH GENERATOR - The Fastest Way To Get A Huge Check From Real Estate Investing Without Risking Your Money Or Credit.

If you act quickly, you can put my "real estate wizardry" to work for YOU now, on a zero-risk basis.

I know you may have been to a lot of real estate and investment seminars and heard a lot of speakers. 

You may even own many investing books or have spent an enormous amount of time going through blogs and YouTube videos.  

You may even have a degree in real estate from a fancy school or be a licensed real estate agent or broker.

Still, I can outright guarantee that you’ve never had your hands on anything as power and practical as my materials.

But before I do that, let's talk about who this program is not for

This Program Is NOT For You If

 You think that you can just sit in a corner, meditate and money will manifest for you.

You believe that you can succeed without doing any work. However, if you are willing to put in a little work this could absolutely transform your business and your life. 

Investing in yourself, your education or your future is going to take food off your table or cause you tremendous financial hardship. 

If any of the above are the case, this is not for you. 

Now let's talk about...

Who This Program Is For

This program is an absolute must have for anyone who is looking to:

✔ get started with real estate investing but doesn’t know how

✔ profit from real estate without slinging hammers or dealing with contractors

✔ not risk their credit, money, or marriage

✔ replace the income from their job quickly

✔ make massive amounts of money with the least amount of risk

✔ understand how to buy “correctly” and with a margin of safety 

✔ get out of the volatile stock market and replace it with a predictable source of profits 

The Masterclass is a complete "IMMERSION EXPERIENCE". In this training, we bridge the gap between ideas and actual implementation.

This is such a unique experience it is hard to describe, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

There are 6 main, moneymaking "components" in the ULTIMATE FAST CASH GENERATOR Masterclass.

I'll walk you through each of them:

MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #1: The Ultimate Fast Cash Generator 

Through 9 LIVE Sessions, I will give you a step by step, crash course in this unusual, powerful, real estate investing strategy.

It will be a total "brain drain" for me and after each session, you will get the chance to ask questions about the material that was covered.

You can also discuss any deals that you may be currently working on and need guidance with.

You’ll also hear others share their questions so you can learn from their experience.

Each session ends with an assignment for you to complete so that by the end of the training, you’ll have a fully operational business. You’ll have a complete understanding of the material and feel confident that you are taking the right next step to get your first Wholesaling check.

Here’s what will be covered in the Live Sessions:

Session 1 - Introduction to Wholesaling: We’ll cover what Wholesaling is, where it works, why these opportunities exist and the tools you’ll need to run a successful business.

Session 2 – Finding buyers: The different type of buyers and their investment criteria. We’ll cover how to quickly build up your buyer database.

Session 3 – Lead Generation – For Sale By Owner Deals: Finding deals that are listed directly by sellers are some of the most profitable deals you will ever do. There are no agents involved. We’ll cover both the free & paid ways to find such deals.

Session 4 – Lead Generation – Listed Properties: Finding opportunities in deals listed by agents. We’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of these deals and how to get a proof of funds letter so you can make offers successfully.

Session 5 - Scripts: You will learn how to negotiate with sellers, buyers and agents using scripts that work like magic.

Session 6 - Deal Analysis: the facts you need, how to get them and how to use them determine your Wholesale Fee

Session 7 - Securing the Deal: Learn how to fill out the purchase contract and even do the deal REMOTELY! I will share with you the disclosures you will need and how to open escrow and check the title report.

Session 8 - The Property Package: How to put together a property package that will have buyer’s line up to buy your deal.

Session 9 – Assigning the contract: How to use the assignment contract and get paid.

Each session ends with Q&A session with me. 

MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #2: Session Recordings

You will also get access to the recordings of each session so you can learn from repetition.

I promise you: you are going to EAGERLY watch the recordings over and over again, making new discoveries every time!

If you have business associates, get them to watch the training as well and they will instantly have their minds opened to this incredible strategy.

MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #3: Mastery Blueprints

Learn from what works.

This may be the best part. Information and ideas are fine. But in this training, we are going to bridge the gap to implementation.

I have put together case studies of 3 actual wholesale deals for you. These properties were traded at completely different price points than each other, located in different markets and their sellers had totally different motivations.

These case studies let you see exactly how deals were successfully structured with the 'power documents' in the program.

The entire process for each one them has been shared - from start to finish. This includes the purchase and sale agreement, assignment to the new buyer, completed Ultimate Deal Analyzer, Property Packages, emails that were sent to buyers and so on.

By seeing how the different types of Wholesale deals were negotiated, put under contract, marketed, and sold, you can see how to do it too.

The documents can be used by you as a reference, virtually as-is!

When I help my coaching clients with a deal, I typically split the wholesaling assignment fee.

The wholesale fee ranges from $30,000.00 to as much as $150,000.00. So, there is at least over $15,000.00+ worth of consulting services provided in this moneymaking component of the Masterclass.

The case studies cover low price deals, high price deals, different neighborhoods, tenant occupied properties, vacant properties, and land deals.

You will learn from every deal presented in the Case Studies - Mastery Blueprints and will be able to 'borrow' from ALL the materials, AND instantly apply “Wholesale Thinking” to your deal.



In addition to everything that I have created for you, I have also included the:

Forms and Agreements - The forms and agreements can be used in almost all the states with minor changes. Then, all you have to do for YOUR real estate transaction is to fill it out, get it signed and send it into escrow. 

Rolodex of vendors that you will need (and how to find the right local vendors as needed) - If you have dealt with title companies or attorney’s before, you will know that finding ones that understand “investor speak” can be quite a task.  The wrong escrow agent or title company can completely jeopardize your entire transaction.   No more hunting for vendors that can assist with getting your business set up and your marketing. I am sharing my power team with you.

Glossary of Key Terms - the investing world has its own language. The key terms provided will help you get up to speed quickly having you sound like a seasoned pro in no time and understand what others are talking about

These power documents ALONE could easily be worth thousands of dollars to you.


MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #5: Fast Implementation

The implementation of the system is an 90% "no-brainer". That is because 90% of the work has been done for you!

As part of the training, you will get a customizable Marketing Plan and an Action Plan.

Use the Marketing Plan to cherry pick from over 30 different marketing strategies, so they match your goals, budget, and any time restrictions.   

This Marketing plan is something you will share with your team as your business grows so you can add scale and have a good handle on your business.

At the end of each session, you will also be assigned tasks from the Action Plan to complete before the next session.

If you follow the steps, by the end of the masterclass, you will have a complete business system up and running.


MONEYMAKING COMPONENT #6: Hands-On, Personal Assistance

A $1,800.00+ Consultation Value!

You get TWO "2nd Opinion Certificates". Each certificate lets you send one item of your deal to me for my personal feedback by FAX.

You can send in a completed purchase and sale agreement, assignment agreement, property package, property valuation guidance, Ultimate Deal Analyzer for review, whatever.

The staff does NOT do this critique. You get advice directly from me on what looks good, what doesn’t what facts you may be missing, what else you can consider doing with the deal to improve profitability.

As a consultant, I frequently provide this 2nd Opinion Service to many investors. They are charged $500.00 per Critique, so this IS a very real $1,000.00 value.

You will ALSO get a "My #1 Real Estate Business Challenge Consultation Coupon". I will respond to your most difficult business challenge. I regularly charge $800.00 per hour for consulting, but this is included for you at no added charge!

An Incredibly Valuable Fast Action Bonus

I've also reserved my "Negotiate Your Way To Wealth” program for you. 

This is an incredible experience. There are three components of this program:

Audio trainings where you listen in to a buyer and seller negotiating, the possible objections and how to over come them. You also get to hear my comments on the strategy being used behind each question the investor asks the seller or the agent. I guide you through the dos and don'ts of negotiating. 

 Written Scripts to use with buyers, sellers, and agents. If you have ever wondered what you should say to sellers and buyers to negotiate effectively, stop wondering. I have included my “Negotiate Your Way To Wealth” Program for you so you never have to wonder what to say and how to say it.

Flash cards let you practice what to say and how to respond to seller, buyer and agent objections before they ever come up in the field. Negotiate like a pro and get deals done!

Just this bonus is worth the entire cost of the program!

But that's not all, I have two additional, extremely powerful,  "Bonus Trainings" for you:

✔ Marketing Samples – A catalogue of actual marketing samples that are working today and what you should use to have explosive growth in your business.

✔ Yellow Letter “How To” Guide – This is highly popular and in demand direct mail technique is misunderstood and done incorrectly most of the time. In this power document, in step by step detail, I have described in how to execute this marketing correctly…everything from when to place the order to what the letters will look like when they arrive, how to correctly insert them, stamp them and send them out so you can give that task to a staff person or do it yourself.

There Is Even A Remarkably Generous DOUBLE GUARANTEE

Your FIRST Guarantee: You have TWO full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just send us an email and you'll get your money back immediately.

NO questions asked. You do not need a 'my dog ate my homework story'. No one will ask you any questions at all. No hassle. No 'fine print'. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get in the Ultimate Fast Cash Generator or you get a full refund.

I'm committed to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you are not going to profit from having my training program, I really would prefer to buy it back.

Your SECOND Guarantee: If you keep the Ultimate Fast Cash Generator after the two months, I'll ride along with you for another TEN months and, if, after a full year from your purchase date, you will show me proof that you made at least one offer to a seller, and you will "look me in the eye" on email and tell me you did not put at least $10,000.00 in your bank account that you would not have otherwise, send me a note describing your use and failure with the training program, I will STILL refund every penny you've paid.

Even if you've received support from the Private Facebook Group, I will STILL refund every penny you've paid.

Even after one full year.

I want you to put tens of thousands of dollars of income in your bank account, that you know would never have gotten there without my training, or I want to buy it back.

Now let me give you an amazing statistic: Until now, I have only taught this program in a one on one setting. Those clients not only kept the training program but also sent me success reports and testimonial letters, became private coaching clients, attended my advanced seminars, or bought additional courses, or systems. I think that fact has to tell you a lot about the results YOU can expect from getting my "secrets" working for you. After all, why would anybody make additional investments in my materials if they weren't profiting tremendously from their first investment?

Check Out What Other People Are Saying About The System

Okay, I'm Fired Up! How much?

What if I told you it cost NOTHING? By MANY standards, that's absolutely true. 

Using the same techniques, you will learn in this Masterclass, some of my private coaching clients have made over $100,000 in wholesale fees on just a single deal.

The lowest Wholesaling fee a client of mine has ever made from Wholesaling, so far, in total was $31,928.51. This was his first real estate deal in his life and he only put down $10 to get the deal into contract. Wait, it gets better…

…This was from Wholesaling a property he never saw in person, still hasn’t, and never met the sellers in person either. Everything was done electronically and over the phone.  And this was on a house that was worth $110,000.

Clients routinely pay me $800.00 an hour for consultations. The fee they pay me for one on one coaching to learn how to creatively invest in real estate and lower their risk is $45,000 plus 50% profit share. 

Even then, their profits are a HUGE multiple of what they have paid me. 

With the profits the training generates for clients and the one on one access available in the Masterclass, most people would guess we are into the $30,000 to $45,000 price range.

Fortunately for you, we are not.

Let’s recap. 

Here’s everything you’ll get with the Masterclass:

The Ultimate Fast Cash Generator Masterclass

  • 9 Training Sessions – 1.5 hours each x $800
  • Q&A with me after each Session to discuss training material or deal related items
  • Action Plan Implementation Assignments after each session
  • Completion Certificate - Issued to you at the end so can you proudly display your accomplishment.


Session Recordings

  • Learn through repetition
  • Lifetime Access


Mastery Blueprints

  • Completed Real Estate Investor Guides
  • Purchase and Sale Agreements
  • Assignment Agreements
  • Property Packages
  • Emails promoting the Property Package


Power Documents

  • Forms and Agreements
  • Negotiate Your Way To Wealth Scripts
  • Vendor Rolodex
  • Glossary of Key Terms


Fast Implementation Kit

  • Action Plan
  • Marketing Plan


Hands-On, Personal Assistance

  • Two 2nd Opinion Certificates
  • Business Challenge Consultation Coupon
  • Private, By Invitation Only, Facebook Group for follow up questions




I am sure you would agree that $35,294 is a fair price for such a comprehensive training.

But today, you will pay nowhere close to that.

For a limited time, the price for the Ultimate Fast Cash Generator is ONLY $2,497.

Say you come on board, screw everything up and set a new low compared to my client's $31,928.51 Wholesale Fee.

While I will not be happy, even if I am half right, your Wholesale fee would be $15,964.26. 

Even then, you will have made back over 6 times your original investment in the program.

That's over a 600% return on your money.

How's that for ROI?

Wholesaling Is THE ONE SKILL That Average Real Estate Investors Don't Have...Don't Be Average

Sure, they may have heard of it. How its “supposed to work”. Have an opinion about it but for the most part they know very little about how it works in real life and the incredible profits it can generate.

This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to possess a power that your competition does not have!

Wholesaling should be the fundamental skill of any real estate investor.

Even if you don’t plan on wholesaling, learning the trade will teach you how to buy correctly with a good margin of safety.

Isn’t it time you got your fair share of this incredible opportunity?

Remember, specialized training may cost more, but it's always worth more.

The other choice you have is:

✔ Read hundreds of dollars’ worth of books about Wholesaling.

✔ Watch endless hours of mind-numbing YouTube videos or read free blogs of random gurus and their opinions of how things “should” work. Big difference between talking about how wholesaling works than doing it profitably.

✔ Figure out what forms and agreements to use.

✔ Learn the dos and don'ts through trial and error and embarrassment.

✔ Learn about human psychology to understand the seller’s motivation

Then try to piece the Wholesaling puzzle together.

Even then you are still likely to end up without a clue about how to get started and make a profit in the business.

For a few dollars, why not get thoroughly trained in this amazing step-by-step program?

Most new investors spend ridiculous number of hours on Blogs and YouTube videos learning from “Big Dogs” who may have some real estate experience doing flips or buy & hold but have never wholesaled a deal.

Then they wonder:

✔ Why is getting started so hard?

✔ Why can’t they find motivated sellers?

✔ Why their business is not succeeding?

Don’t be that kind of investor.

Be one of the select few, who invests in their education and training and multiplies their income.

As far as not having the money – I find that is usually an excuse.

An excuse for people to not follow their dreams.  By saying “I don’t have the money” somehow makes taking no action acceptable. 

I realize the initial purchase of the course may be a financial strain for some people.  But the truly success-bound will find a way. They know this is very small money to get into this amazing niche.  They’ll “scrape it together”.  Use credit cards.  Borrow from someone or even get a part time job if needed. 

But they just won’t let a lack of money or anything else get in their way.

That is only once they have made the decision to make a financial change. 

Here's How To Get The Ultimate Fast Cash Generator At The Very Special Price (This IS A Limited Offer. Act Now!)

Since this is the first time I am teaching in this format, I have allocated a certain, limited number of tickets at this deeply discounted price of $1,997.

As a result, I can only extend this invitation to you for a few more days. I need your response immediately! Wait too long and you’ll end up paying a much higher price in the coming days.

I urge you to act on this opportunity right now, while it is fresh in your mind.


PS - You'll get everything: The Ultimate Fast Cash Generator Masterclass, Session Recordings, Case Studies, Forms and Agreements, Scripts That Work Like Magic Program, Vendor Rolodex, Glossary of Key Terms, Action Plan, Marketing Plan, Two 2nd Opinion Certificates, Real Estate Business Challenge Consultation Coupon, the Double Guarantee, Access to the Private Facebook Group, Bonus - Negotiate Your Way to Wealth Program - Audio, Scripts and Flash cards, Bonus - Marketing Samples, Bonus - Yellow Letter “How To” Guide - but only if you act now.

So, TWO FULL MONTHS, unconditional satisfaction guarantee. PLUS, an additional TEN MONTHS' conditional guarantee. PLUS, all of the Bonuses, yours to keep regardless of your decision about everything else.

You can keep the "Bonus Trainings" even if you choose to return everything else for a refund.

I look forward to hearing all about your incredible success with this program!