How To Get Started With Commercial Real Estate Investing

Dear Real Estate Colleague,

Tired of chasing new customers, all day, every day?

You are not alone.

Most agents forget that it is all about repeat business. Getting your clients to spend as often as possible with you instead of always chasing new ones.

Its estimated that it costs 5 times as much to get a new client, than doing business with an existing one.

Let’s face it. To be secure in today’s uncertain market, you need other additional but related income streams. Repeat business from your clients is the most profitable business you could bring in.

But how do you get repeat business when the average homeowner now lives in their home for almost 14 years? Sending them market updates about the home you sold them or baking recipes is not going to help.

That would be like throwing money away.


All your clients will be either employed or self-employed. 

With the unpredictable job market, your Employed clients will want to:

✔ Replace the income from their job, if possible

✔ Save money for a comfortable retirement

✔ Secure money outside of the volatile stock market

✔ Start a small business, if they are entrepreneurial 

Your Self-Employed clients will want to find ways to 

✔ Expand their existing business

✔ Increase their income through extra revenue streams

✔ Preserve their capital

✔ Reinvest profits in their business or passive investments

All this is achievable through commercial real estate.


Some random commercial agent gets to “cherry pick” your best clients. From right under your nose! 

Imagine how much money you are losing every day. These agents are cashing in on clients that you are nurturing. 

You may even feed these commercial agents referrals…but they never seem to reciprocate. And most of the commercial transactions they are doing are the same ones you could have done.

With a little bit of training, all those commissions should have been in your bank account. After all, you have the client relationship. Not them. 

You already know the client, their finances, and have an existing relationship.

Commercial Real Estate gives you the perfect opportunity to work with your existing clients over and over again.

While the need to find a new home happens every decade or so, most of your clients have a constant need to find a place to invest their money. 

They could be getting a commercial lease for their new business. Buying an office building for themselves. Investing in warehouses and storage. Or they could be purchasing apartment buildings with a syndication.

Their needs and wants are endless.

You get to collect commissions and maintain your relationship. This is while you wait for them to sell their home in the future through you. 

And because commercial deals are larger, the commission checks are bigger!


Commercial agents want you to believe that.

Believe me, commercial agents who are your competition, are praying that you don’t get this message.

Yes. The commercial world is complex and mysterious. But that is only because its players are so secretive. 

The lack of proper training and support is intentional. It truly is an old boys' club. This way they can keep padding their pockets and leave hardworking agents like you on the sidelines. 

Commercial properties are not new on the scene. They have been around but have intimidated most agents.

That's why we have more residential agents than commercial agents. 

Commercial vocabulary is different than residential. The forms, agreements and disclosures are different too. There is no central MLS that you can log in to look for opportunities. 

But even with this learning curve, this is by far the lowest hanging fruit in your existing business. 

Most agents will continue to lose out on this "ripe for the taking" opportunity  and continue doing business the same way. Chasing new clients and competing in the already overcrowded residential space.

But for those who are ready to make easy money, there is now an easy to understand training program.

One that takes the mystique out of commercial real estate so you can make a fortune with for your existing client relationships. With no competition!


Agents that were sick and tired of chasing new clients love the Guide to Getting Started with Commercial Real Estate and you will too.

The greatest gold-mine of profitable commercial investments, crammed into one big course!

Other programs only skim the surface of what’s covered in this comprehensive program.

In a few hours, you’ll learn how to make a personal fortune by dealing in Commercial Real Estate.

It’s delivered in everyday understandable language (not complicated-investor-babble). 

Clients are looking for a specialist with simple answers to complex investment questions.

Now with this in-depth training, that specialist can be you!

It’s easy once you realize that the most important thing you have is an existing relationship as a trusted advisor. 


In the Agent’s Guide to Getting Started in Commercial Real Estate, I reveal:

The 11 different categories of Commercial Properties and their many sub types. Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the different options. We’ll master these, so you can guide your clients like a true professional.

How to classify different Commercial Properties. This is key to communicating property value and condition to investors, brokers and lenders.

The different type of clients, their mindsets and their main objectives when buying or selling commercial real estate. Hint: It is not price.

Why Commercial property is the missing link in your current offering, so you can quickly fill in the gaps.

 How to find the perfect investments for your clients. Do this so you can immediately present them with opportunities.

 The Advantages and Disadvantages of working in commercial real estate.

The Forms you will use to Secure Listings with Sellers. 

The Agreements involved in doing a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange.

The different Disclosures and Inspection Advisories involved in commercial transactions.

The Forms and Agreements you will use to make offers to purchase or lease commercial real estate.

The Agreements you will use to list or make offers on business opportunities.

What information to gather from the seller before listing a property.

What a Due Diligence Package is and how to put one together for your buyers and sellers.

The 3 different Commercial Property Valuation techniques and when to use them

Key Terms Buyers and Sellers expect you to know as their agent.

Most common traps new agents fall into getting started.

How to find the best vendors for your transactions. This includes lenders, title companies, appraisers, inspectors and attorneys.


Commercial Investment Categories have never been simplified this way.

No other training even comes close. Most programs cover a subcategory and just scratch the surface. 

Did you know that there are 11 different categories of Commercial Real Estate? 

The Industrial Facilities category by itself has 8 different sub types. 

We’ll cover all of them in this course.

Here’s a list of the different categories and sub-categories this training will cover:


Retail Centers

Industrial Facilities

Self-Storage Facilities

Special Use Properties




Health Care

Mobile Home and RV Parks

Business Opportunities

With this program, you will have a clear understanding of what’s available in today’s market. The opportunities you should pursue and the pitfalls you should avoid. 

We’ll go through how to get started. How to see the bigger picture instead of getting caught in paperwork or investor lingo.

For intelligent, influential agents like yourself, this program is the obvious choice. 


Thanks to the profits the Training quickly generates, it actually costs nothing. 

In fact, it is better-than-free. 

An average commerical transaction worth $500,000 would bring in $15,000 in commissions for a commercial agent.

Even if I am half right, the commissions would be between $7,500 for the agent. 

Over 1500% return on your money? On a one time investment in yourself that keeps on giving?! How is that for a ROI?? 

You don’t need a calculator or an investment committee to make a decision on that investment.

How many of those extra paydays can you handle once you know the secret of successfully navigating the Commercial world?

Isn’t it time you got your fair share of this incredible opportunity?

Remember, specialized training may cost more, but it's always worth more.

The other choice you have is:

Read hundreds of dollars’ worth of books about Commercial Real Estate.

Learn about all the different categories and subcategories.

Figure out what forms and agreements to use.

Learn the terminology through trial and error and embarrassment.

Learn about human psychology to understand the buyer’s and seller’s motivation.

Then try to piece the Commercial Real Estate puzzle together.

Even then you are still likely to end up without a clue about how to get started and make a profit in the business.

For a few dollars, why not get thoroughly trained with this amazing step-by-step program?

Most agents spend money on chasing new clients and nearly nothing on getting educated about how to leverage the existing gold mine in their business.

Then they wonder:

Why the business is so hard?

Why they are “going nowhere”?

Why their business is not succeeding?

Why they can no longer afford to be in business.

Don’t be that kind of agent.

Be one of the select few, who brings related offers to existing clients, gets repeat business and multiplies their income.

As far as not having the money – I find that is usually an excuse.

An excuse for people to not follow their dreams.  By saying “I don’t have the money” somehow makes taking no action acceptable. 

I realize the initial purchase of the course may be a financial strain for some people.  But the truly success-bound will find a way. They know this is very small money to get into this amazing niche.  They’ll “scrape it together”.  Use credit cards.  Borrow from someone or even get a part time job if needed. 

But they just won’t let a lack of money or anything else get in their way.

That is only once they have made the decision to make a financial change. 


Private Facebook Group

Once you signup, we’ll provide you with access to a private, by invitation only, Facebook Group for discussions and follow up support. You can get all your questions answered and get guidance on marketing or any current deals you may have. We are here to support you and want to help you achieve your goals.

Completion Certificate

This is issued to you at the end of the course so can you proudly display your accomplishment.

A Manual of Key Commercial Terms

The Commercial World has its own language. The key terms provided will help you get up to speed quickly and have you sounding like a seasoned pro in no time.

 Email and Phone Scripts 

Use these with your existing buyer's list. Have them immediately raise their hand for more information about commercial opportunities. Fill up your pipeline overnight!


Does this all sound too good to be true? I stand behind my claim.

If, for any reason, you are not delighted with your purchase, return it for a full refund.

Just click here now and you’ll receive your risk-free copy of the system to put to the test for a full 14 days. 

You have nothing to lose!

If you decide not to keep the system after 14 days, that’s OK. 

You can simply call or email my office to receive a full 100 percent refund of every penny you paid.

This is the most complete training program you can buy on getting started in commercial real estate.

Why not act now? Click here today.

Can you think of any reason not to get in on this amazing money-making opportunity?

You have two choices now but only one makes sense. 

You can continue to compete with other residential agents’ day and night over the same new clients…

…Or you can join others that are, quietly, getting rich the easy way. 

Come discover the fortune that lies hidden in your business! 



PS - You'll get access to the Agent’s Guide to Getting Started with Commercial Real Estate online training, the Private Members only Facebook Group and other bonuses as soon as you sign up. I look forward to hearing all about your incredible success with this program!