Attention: Real Estate Investors and Agents

Have you been “too busy” running in circles to notice the HUGE fortunes that are quietly being made in PROBATE?

Dear Real Estate Colleague,

If you feel you should be paid more for your talents, want more recognition and are open to learn about a ridiculously profitable niche, read on.

If you have been calling your prospects and all you hear is a variation of:

✔ “We are not ready yet”

✔ “Call me in a few months”

or worse “Can you quit bugging me?”


Your prospects might be suffering from a serious lack of motivation. 

As an active investor and agent, I can promise you this: Working with unmotivated prospects will drain you emotionally and financially.

You KNOW that some agents have clients eating right out of their hand.

Some investors always seem to get the best deals. 

What’s their secret? 

They only work with highly motivated prospects.


In a Post COVID-19 world, you must be better prepared financially.

Gone are the days when you could just wing it and get a deal. 

The lockdown has exposed the financial weaknesses of many agents and investors. 

And it is time to make a change. Fast.

You were already competing with low commission agents and Zillow Offers. 

Now you must add uncertain and flaky clients to that list.

A business like that will always be too dependent on hope.

It’s time to learn how to rapidly ramp up your income and savings so you can ride out any future economic uncertainties with ease.

That’s’ the only way to survive and thrive in this new unpredictable world.

There is no doubt you’ll have to play catch up on all the lost income because of the virus.


You must get committed to working only with clients that are extremely motivated to buy or sell right away.

The question is: Are you going to continue playing "motivator" to your existing database or find new prospects that are already very motivated and are looking to make a deal?

Most will continue to chase the same crowd and get frustrated and blame the economy and everyone else.  

But I’m at least going to INVITE you to do something different. There is a better way.

There really is a secret fountain of highly motivated sellers and buyers.


Agents and investors that were sick and tired of chasing dead deals have been quietly using my Pearls in Probate Training Program for years. 

Working with highly motivated clients has completely changed their business and mindset!

In the Pearls in Probate training, I reveal the secrets of how to quickly find local real estate opportunities in Probate

These are highly motivated sellers that are looking to make a deal because they have to sell not need to sell. 

And the list of buyers for these bargain-priced properties is a mile long. 

I cover how to find these prospects by going to the courthouse and directly from your computer.

The training is delivered in everyday understandable language (not legalese-lawyer-babble). 


Did you know that in 2019, in Alameda County in California, 216 Probate deals closed for a sales volume of over $142 Million?

That’s a minimum of $7 Million in commissions.

In 2018, 226 deals were sold on the MLS for a sales volume of almost $165 Million.

That’s over $8 Million in commission payouts.

There were 215 deals in 2017 for over $147 Million. Again over $7 Million in commissions.

203 sold transactions in 2016 for almost $116 Million. Almost $6 Million in commissions.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

That’s just in 1 county.

And these are only the cases that were sold through the MLS.

These numbers don’t account for the millions of dollars of real estate that was sold off market by the estate to investors like me.


Probate cases add financial predictability to your deal funnel.

This is not unusual. 

These incredible deals exist nationwide. 

Even in your county.

I know firsthand that in Miami-Dade County in Florida, on average 400 to 450 Probate Petitions are filed each month. 

Sure, some of them don’t have real estate in them but a good number of them do.


Did you know that over 40 percent of the real estate available for sale in Probate cases are fixers? 

Some need cosmetic repairs; some need moderate repairs, and some need major repairs?

Here is an example of a Probate home that we purchased:

This is what the living room looked like:

I know. Not pretty right? 

But, because of their condition, homes like these need to be sold at a discount.  

And the sellers are extremely motivated.

And when you have real estate being sold for cheap guess who lines up around the block to buy your deal?

In any economy or market condition


After buying them we turn them into beauties that look like this:

The new living room:

Yes, that’s the same house.


In the training program we go through so many case studies and sample files that by the time we are done, you will be speaking like a Probate pro.

You will know exactly:

✔ the kind of cases to pursue

✔ who to connect with in the estate

✔ how to set their expectations

✔ how to win their confidence

✔ how to move forward and seal the deal.

A specialist has to help these people get through this challenging time.

Why shouldn’t that specialist be you?


✔  The HUGE size of the Probate Opportunity so you can set your financial goals accordingly.

✔ The Purpose of Probate so you’ll understand the process.

✔ Probate Process Timeline so you can set realistic expectations for everyone involved.

What Ends Up in Probate and what doesn’t.

 What deeds and entities can be used to avoid going through the expensive Probate process – great value add information for agents.

✔ Why the estate would be motivated to work with you so you understand the seller's mindset.

Costs Involved in the Probate Process.

Estate, Inheritance & Income Taxes - who has to pay them and who doesn’t.

 The difference between estate sales and court confirmed sales so you how to deal with the different transactions.

Go on a “Virtual Tour” inside the Alameda County and Miami-Dade County Probate courthouses so you know what to expect when you visit a courthouse in most areas.

The Right questions to ask at the county clerk’s office so you can get the information you need. 

How to Navigate the local Court's Website to find Probate opportunities for free. Did you know you’ll end up paying between $7 to $10 for each lead when buying it from a service provider?

 A Review of Multiple Case Files of actual Probate cases from Alameda County and Miami-Dade County

The formula for success - How to quickly tell if a case may have property available for sale.

How to quickly identify the type of cases that are worth pursuing and the types that would be a waste of time.

How to find the information you’ll need and the potentially different documents names. 

The four pieces of information that are critical to gather so you can run an effective marketing campaign.

Identify the decision maker and their contact information.

How to get ready for the Probate Business

The different Probate Lead Sources you can use if you don’t want to go to the courthouse.

How to legally profit from vacant properties with deceased owners.

How to know if the owner of a property is deceased.

How to Market to Probate Attorneys to get referrals. Phone Scripts and Marketing materials are included.

How to reach out to the estate to offer your services. Phone Scripts and Marketing materials are included.

How to identify an invalid Will so you know if there will be issues going into court ahead of time.

Requirements for a Will’s Validity so you know how to spot an invalid Will.

The Documents you will need from the estate.

Potential Problems you may encounter and how to deal with them.

Agent Specific Training that’s included

What information to gather from the estate before listing their property.

The Forms to use to Secure the Listing.

The Disclosures you must provide to potential buyers.

Investor Specific Training that’s included

✔ How the bidding process works for court confirmed sales so you can be prepared to outsmart the competition. 

What information to gather from the estate to be able to analyze the deal

The Three best exit strategies available to you as in investor.

Deal Analysis - How much to offer as an investor

Property Valuation – What is the Trading Range

How to Secure the Deal with An Agreement

What disclosures and inspections you can expect as an Investor so you can plan ahead.


Thanks to the profits the Pearls in Probate System makes, it actually costs nothing. 

In fact, it is better-than-free.  

In 2019, over $7 Million were paid out in commissions just on Probate transactions in California’s Alameda County. 

Millions more were paid out throughout the nation.

Just one transaction on an average home worth $500,000 would bring in $15,000 in commissions for an agent.

For the average fix and flip investor, the average deal would bring in $50,000.

Even if I am half right, the commissions would be between $7,500 for the agent and $25,000 for the fix and flip investor.   

How many of these deals, in your county, do you need to change your financial future? 

How many can you handle once you know the secret of successfully navigating the Probate waters?

Isn’t it time you got your fair share of this growing niche?

Remember, specialized training may cost more, but it's always worth more.

The other choice you have is:

Read hundreds of dollars’ worth of books on Probate. 

Attend generic marketing classes. 

Attend seminars that attorney’s host to get your business.

Learn about human psychology to understand the sellers motivation

Then try to piece the Probate puzzle together. 

Even then you are still likely to end up without a clue about how to get started, run, market, and make a profit in Probate the niche. 

For a few dollars, why not get trained in the incredibly profitable Probate niche, that is within your reach?

Most agents and investors spend big money on marketing to the unmotivated masses and nearly nothing on specialized knowledge. 

Then they wonder:

Why they are “going nowhere”?

Why their business is not succeeding?

Why they can no longer afford to be in business. 

In the Pearls in Probate training I show you exactly:

How to get access to the court documents as soon as they are filed

How to get in touch with the right people immediately so you can generate business

These are people who need your guidance and expertise…and they are incredibly motivated.

Let’s consider the investment in the training program from a hard business cost angle

Most businesses amortize “startup” costs over 5 years. 

This brings the cost of the program down to $21.61 a month. 

Hmm…so for about 20 bucks a month you find out exactly how you can make $15,000 or more on a listing.

$50,000 or more on a flip.

And this is where the seller needs to sell and the buyers are lining up around the block to buy the deal from you.

$21.61 turned into $15,000 by doing one deal as an agent. 

$21.61 turned into $50,000 by doing one fix and flip for an investor.

Is that a good enough return on investment for you?

What if you decide to get serious about helping more people and do 1 deal a month? 

Multiply that by 12. 

It’s a one-time cost.

How is that for a return on investment? 

You don’t need a calculator or an investment committee to make a decision on that investment.

As far as not having the money – I find that is usually an excuse.

An excuse for people to not follow their dreams. 

By saying “I don’t have the money” somehow makes taking no action acceptable. 

I realize the initial purchase of the course may be a financial strain for some people. 

But the truly success-bound will find a way.

They know this is very small money to get into this amazing niche. 

They’ll “scrape it together”. 

Use credit cards. 

Borrow from someone or even get a part time job if needed. 

But they just won’t let a lack of money or anything else get in their way.

That is only once they have made the decision to make a financial change. 


I am including these additional bonuses:

Sample Case File Reviews from Alameda County and Miami-Dade County

Just these videos alone are worth the cost of this entire training program. 

Imagine learning how to browse all the case files directly on your computer without ever visiting the courthouse!

Being able to sift and sort through actual live Probate Case Files to get the contact information (including addresses, phone numbers and emails) quickly before anyone else does…for free!

Private Facebook Group

Once you signup, we’ll provide you with access to a private, by invitation only, Facebook Group for discussions.

You can get all your questions answered and get guidance on marketing or any current deals you may have. 

We are here to support you and want to help you achieve your goals.

Completion Certificate

This is issued to you at the end of the course so can you proudly display your accomplishment.

A Manual of Key Probate Terms

Like any other specialty, the Probate world has its own language.

The key terms provided will help you get up to speed quickly and have you sounding like a pro in no time.

Sample Marketing Material for Agents

These are letters and emails that you can use to get listings from the estate and the probate attorneys. Just put in your information and they are ready to be mailed or emailed.

Sample Marketing Material for Investors

These are letters and emails that you can use to buy the property directly from the estate and have the probate attorneys send you referrals. The materials are ready to go. All you have to do is put your name on it and it's ready to be sent via mail or email.

Scripts for Agents

Talking to the decision makers can be nerve wrecking. You have to be compassionate yet a professional at the same time. I have included scripts that you can use to have conversations with the decision makers for the estate with ease.

Scripts for Investors

The decision makers for the estate have a different agenda. They represent the sellers but have different motivations. The scripts I have included allow you to understand those motivations and come to an agreement quickly.


Does this all sound too good to be true? I stand behind my claim.

If, for any reason, you are not delighted with your purchase, return it for a full refund.

Just click here now and you’ll receive your risk-free copy of the system to put to the test for a full 14 days. 

You have nothing to lose!

If you decide not to keep the system after 14 days, that’s OK. 

You can simply call or email my office to receive a full 100 percent refund of every penny you paid.

Why not act now? Click here today.

Without a doubt, your important decision of working Probate deals virtually guarantees that you will stop running in circles. 

Your business will have clear direction and you'll only dealing with clients that have incredible motivation.

Can you think of any reason not to get in on this secret money-making opportunity?

You have two choices now but only one makes sense. 

Don't wait on the side lines watching others quietly get rich in this niche. 

A rewarding market segment awaits you.

Discover the fortune that has been waiting for you in your own backyard this whole time! 

Come see for yourself and start reaping all the benefits today!


Scott Tayeb

PS - You'll get access to the Pearls in Probate online training and the Private Members only Facebook Group as soon as you sign up. I look forward to hearing all about your incredible success with this program!